The shoulder is a very complex body part. It is an extremely mobile joint that moves within many different planes of movement. As a result of its ability to move excessively, its stability may sometimes become compromised.
In addition, there are other parts of our body that are required to move efficiently in sync with the shoulder in order for healthy shoulder mobility to occur. The shoulder is quite complex, proximal body parts are often overlooked when creating various shoulder exercise programs. To learn about proper stability and mobility work for the shoulders be sure to read about the best movements for shoulder pain.
Let's Learn How To Bulletproof Your Shoulders:
Before you begin any type of strength work you must address mobility and activation of those muscles. In my previous article, I broke down the best movements you can do to optimize tissue health.
The first series of movement are by far some of my favorites and classics.
Prone I’s, Y’s, T’s: Lay chest supported on an incline bench. Start by retracting your shoulder blades together. For I’s palm down bring your arms to your side. For Y’s palms down make a Y with arms and for T’s bring your arms out wide to your side. Repeat each motion 3 sets of 12-15 reps. You can break them up into 3 different exercises or do a vertical load. Your main focus is to keep the tension in your shoulder blades at all times.

The second two movements are shown with kettlebells (KB). One of the biggest reasons kettlebells are so effective is because of their structure, often feeling heavier than a traditional dumbbell due to their center of gravity. This is why kettlebells are effective in improving strength and balance.
Bottoms Up Press: Seated position with shoulders retracted. Maintaining the tension in shoulders press overhead and make sure KB does not move. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps.

Iso Front rack OH press: Standing fall with neutral spine, shoulders retracted. Maintain one KB in a front rack position and the other press overhead. Repeat 3 sets of 12 reps

The two exercises above are my favorite go to every time I hit shoulders in a workout routine. Both exercises force you to focus on the movement throughout the entire time.
These exercises force you to engage every stabilizer in the shoulder but also help you control scapulohumeral rhythm. The KB bottoms up press allows for you to really focus on maintaining good grip and stabilizing as if you do it incorrectly the KB falls and you will feel how you lack engagement. The Iso front rack and overhead press allows you to get the core involved more and create constant tension in the shoulders.
These are just a few steps to bulletproof your shoulders and so much more can be added to your routine. Do not get carried away with doing many different exercises just pick a few quality exercises and focus on them. Taking care of your joints consistently is very important doing it once or twice will be the quick fix, this takes time and patience.